Korunovační street revitalization
coordination conceptual study 2021
The notorious architects from Žižkov-based beautification group edit! came back to Letná! The commission came from the municipality of Prague 7. The challenge they gave us was to find a solution for the local Korunovační Street, which has been recently in the public eye mainly due to traffic reports. In our coordination-conceptual study, we had to deal with projects that are already under way, but not mutually coordinated, for a tree alley, water piping, road reconstruction or three different projects of the traffic safety organisation BESIP. Nonetheless, we approached the project with ambition typical for us – we want to turn the grandiosely built but neglected street into a representative residential city avenue that will connect Letná Park with Stromovka Park. Before our studio was commissioned for the project, the public got involved through the “Together at Letná” questionnaire. In June 2021, a participatory project with children from Korunovační Elementary School took place and there was also a meeting with the public at the Water Tower at Korunovační Street, which is where the project received most comments and feedback. The final proposal is thus a result of consensual talks of the laic public, experts from the Prague 7 municipality, preservationists, representatives from Prague Institute of Planning and Development and architects.
traffic: Ing. Jan Fiala
landscaping: atelier Rouge – Ing. Jitka Tomsová, PhD.
traffic: Ing. Jan Fiala
landscaping: atelier Rouge – Ing. Jitka Tomsová, PhD.